Christin's Great Hollywood Adventure...
Wow… that’s about all I can say right now about these last few days. This program has done so much to change my life in so many ways. I think when you get right down to it… it’s changed not only my life, but that of my family, friends, and those around me too.
I am so privileged and blessed to be able to represent this way of eating in the manner that I have been selected. Woman’s World magazine and all those who put my trip together this week have been amazing. I have NEVER in my life been so pampered and primped and pawed over! I LOVED IT!!!! So here is my account now for my friends and those who are wanting to know my Cinderella story of your everyday average housewife from Texas turned Hollywood model for the day!
My trip began in Houston TX early Monday morning… I was accompanied by my wonderfully supportive husband on this whirlwind adventure. We arrived at the airport early to attempt at a seat change because of my recent knee surgery we were hoping to get bumped up…. Didn’t happen… this flight was booked solid. So we boarded and took our place on the last row of the airplane. Not the most choice spot, but I was too excited about what was to come to really mind.
When we arrived in LA the chauffeur was there to pick us up in a nice Lincoln Business Class limo which took us straight over to the photo-shoot in the Media District of Melrose. When we went into the studio we were introduced to the “team.” Makeup, hair, creative director, stylist, photographer, they were all there. Rested for a few minutes and then whisked off to begin the transformation process. From plain ole’ me to… “Ahbsolutely Fahbulus dahling….!!!!”
Soooo you know in the movies where they show a photo shoot and the model says crazy things to make her face look right? Loud music playing and lots of lights and “give me attitude” talk from the photographer. I was so taken aback!!! That really is the way they do it! I had to stop myself so many times from laughing. But all in all, it was an amazing experience. They even let me keep 2 of the outfits!
We took a taxi from the shoot to the hotel and got checked in. We were given a beautiful suite very near Malibu and Hollywood Blvd. We quickly got changed and decided to head out and get some touring done. Headed from there to Hollywood Blvd to take in the sights… Kodak Theater, Mann Chinese Theater, Walk of Stars, whirlwind… but we saw it all!
After our quick tour of Hollywood we went to dinner at Kama Shiro restaurant overlooking the LA skyline. We literally watched the sunset over LA with the “HOLLYWOOD” sign overlooking us. It was beautiful. Oh… and my dear sweet husband tried eel for the first time. Yes we are no longer country… we have arrived and are experiencing the high life at last!
After dinner my dear friend Ana and her husband picked us up from the restaurant and we went to have coffee over at Universal Studios! We talked a long time and walked around Universal taking in some of the sights… after Universal they took us on a driving tour of some of the other sights we had yet to see that day. Culminating with pictures on beautiful Rodeo Dr. Although it was closed, it was still incredible to see and at least learn about all the different things that happen in a day in sunny CA.
It was sad to see such a wonderful trip come to an end, but then all good things do don’t they? It just gives me something AWESOME to look forward to. Don’t know when, but I am definitely going back. California is everything that I imagined it to be and more. Yes there are downsides to everywhere, every town, but I still wanted to see more. This experience brings new a whole new meaning to the phrase “California or BUST!”